Comments Welcome: Why the lack of Interest or Participation on this website?

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Comments Welcome: Why the lack of Interest or Participation on this website?

Post by pugman170 »

I troll this website everyday looking for new content to enjoy. I have posted many things over the years and have enjoyed doing so offering you all information about various things from Grizzly bears to pictures I took for your viewing pleasure. I enjoy learning new things, and places to go in both YNP and GTNP that others have posted as well. This is a nice place to go for information as well as enjoying what others have posted. It is clear next to nobody wants to post anything here anymore.... My question to all of you is.... WHY? I have done my part trying various things to get people to post basically anything to no avail.... We all have a camera, yes I get it not all of us can go to these places all of the time or Not at all..... Not a problem, but you can still participate..... Take a picture of anything to get us all through the slow times, post a comment, we all can offer information on things, places to go and see, camera techniques, the list is endless. Let me know what you think if there is someone else out there looking at this site, If you remember how to post on this site.... Is there anyone interested in doing this anymore or have you all gone someplace else......Because all I see on here is .... Crickets.... Can you Hear them?

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Re: Comments Welcome: Why the lack of Interest or Participation on this website?

Post by RikWriter »

Well, for me personally, part of the problem is I can only access the site when I'm away from home. My home ISP has a problem with your server.

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Re: Comments Welcome: Why the lack of Interest or Participation on this website?

Post by lah »

I have posted fairly often, but I agree, there's not the activity there used to be.
Some of it is probably that many people are posting more on Facebook.
But I still go through Ynet a couple times a day.

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Re: Comments Welcome: Why the lack of Interest or Participation on this website?

Post by Steve »

Everybody that used to post here are now posting on several different Facebook YNP pages/groups. This page and others like it have been in decline for about 10 years; slowly fading away. When this page went dark a couple of years ago from the ransom ware attack, everybody moved on and never came back.

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Re: Comments Welcome: Why the lack of Interest or Participation on this website?

Post by Dorothy »

I assume others are right about facebook posting taking over. I feel badly about this, as I am not interested in establishing a facebook site (I know, I'm out of step with today, but I just don't want to be on facebook!) and thus can't participate fully with facebook sites. I loved this site (and still do -- I usually check it several times a week) and feel that the hack shutdown had a lot to do with people migrating away -- or at least, not posting as much (they may have already been active on facebook sites, too, but never got back to posting here, as well).

I'm sorry about that -- I loved the feeling of community of this site and loved sharing my stories (and earlier, my not-that-great photos, although I've been unable to do that lately due to some computer issues of my own) and reading everyone else's. I would go to Yellowstone/GT feeling very prepared to have a good shot at spotting wildlife and enjoyed everyone else's reports of things that I may have missed or shared in. I'm sorry it's not as active as before, but I still appreciate those who DO post and share on this site, and I try to share my own experiences as a thank you to those who still share here. Hopefully, some will continue to use this and share in this community!

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Re: Comments Welcome: Why the lack of Interest or Participation on this website?

Post by billandkaren »

We have posted some and we check the site fairly often. I would post more but my biggest problem is with posting the pictures. I have tried to upload pictures, but apparently am not tech savvy enough to make it happen.

Pugman, I do appreciate your posts and have responded when I think I have something appropriate to contribute. Like Dorothy, I have made a conscious decision not to join Facebook, but that along with the previous dead time is likely why there are fewer posts now.

Please keep the site going and keep posting. Thanks to all who contribute.


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Re: Comments Welcome: Why the lack of Interest or Participation on this website?

Post by lah »

I think a lot of people who used to be on Y-net don't even know it's back in operation.
And I would think that some of the reason that Facebook is keeping a lot of people from coming back is that it's much easier to post pictures there. Just drag and drop, without having to get a code from a photo-hosting site and paste the code and wait a while for the picture to appear. And some, like BillandKaren, have trouble getting their pictures to load here.
And some hosting sites. like Photobucket, won't let you put your pictures on another site, like this one, without now paying for it.
Flickr is still free, and it works pretty well here. But it does take time, where Facebook takes only seconds.
I will still post here whenever I have something to share, and I read Y-net pretty much every day.

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Re: Comments Welcome: Why the lack of Interest or Participation on this website?

Post by yellvet »

Don't get discouraged, Pugman. Historically, participation is usually fairly slow from the late fall and through the winter. But when March rolls around, most of the Yellowstone diehards will be back in force, along with many newcomers. Right now, I'm in So Cal working on my health again and trying to get the local hummers to pose for me. All three of my favorite Costas hummers from last year have returned to greet me. They're sipping at my feeders every day. And they love listening to music. They'll be courting next month, so I'll try to post some pix soon. The beards on the males turn purple and bright fushia when they're courting...absolutely gorgeous. Had to leave my pro gear at home, but my little Leica P & S does a fairly decent job. Give me a week or so and I'll post some pix of the Hummer Honeymooners "Ralph and Alice" and Norton (aka: Mongo). Mongo is always trying to woo Alice away from Ralph....pretty funny. If I was back in MT right now, I'd be getting ready for the bighorn rut. The rams usually come down from the Beartooth Mountains in November, start kicking and testing each other and chasing the ewes. The rut normally starts sometime during the first week in December. That's when the head crunching of the big adult rams begins. If anyone is going to be in the Nye area in December or in January, you may want to consider checking out the Stillwater Bighorn Sheep herd. The sheep come right down to the blacktop road (Cty Rd. 419). The herd doesn't get many visitors so they're not very wary of humans, yet. So you can get fairly close to them. Just stay in your vehicle to be safe, roll down your window and use a super telephoto lens to photograph them. The ram's charging protocol is unbelievably awesome to watch and photograph. If you're interested, take a look at some of the bighorn sheep pix at my Flickr site. The rut can get very vicious....lots of fur and blood flying through the air. In January, you can also get some very interesting shots of the rut aftermath... scrapes, cuts, chunks of missing horn, brutal scars and bloody noses. The rams really take a beating. You'd think that they'd bash their brains out, but their skull has a double cranium with a layer of spongy material in between that keeps the rams from getting serious head injuries. The spongy tissue acts like a shock absorber. If you're in the area and are looking for excitement, don't miss seeing the bighorns. They're such magnificent animals. How I can go from photographing big horn sheep to humming birds never ceases to amaze me. But I love 'em all!

BTW, I set up a Facebook account when it first started up. Had my account for about 2 months and then canceled it. I was getting thousands of messages from people I didn't know and felt too vulnerable. I became a Y-Net forum member in 2009 and I guess it's the Yellowstone folks who will always keep me coming back. Bless you all!!

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Re: Comments Welcome: Why the lack of Interest or Participation on this website?

Post by mdtrot »

Yes, this used to be a "happening" forum before the hack attack. YNet Forum has been an invaluable resource for me over the years, and I greatly appreciate the efforts of those who created it and raised it from the dead after the attack! I'm not on Facebook, so I'm all in favor of a resurgence here.

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Re: Comments Welcome: Why the lack of Interest or Participation on this website?

Post by mywolvesrock/Charles »

This used to be a hopping place. We had some hot, fast & furious discussions here. When I retired in 2012, I lost my free computer at work and lost touch with the Yellowstone world. I miss those Buck, Photodude and everyone else fun discussions. Or maybe that was on the other chat page. Some great photos have passed thru this site. Now I am checking out the old chat pages. I don't remember how to post pics. I will try to figure it out. My last trip to the park was the first week of June this year. Didn't see many wolves but did see several bears. A week in Yellowstone is just heavenly. I have been going 1-3 times a year since 1982. Is Flickr still in business? That's where my pics were

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