7) Lamar Valley — This wide, expansive valley is home to bison, elk, coyote, grizzly and wolf, and is must-visit area for serious wildlife watchers. Bison and elk are readily visible, and coyotes can oftentimes be spotted. Visitors who are willing to rise early in the morning or wait up until dusk also may have the opportunity to see bears and wolves. In fact, Lamar Valley is the #1 destination for viewing wolves. There are also abundant fishing opportunities in the Lamar Valley.
The valley is rather remotely located in the northeast corner of the Park, otherwise it would receive a higher ranking in our Top Ten.

Lamar Valley has been one of the best places in Yellowstone for Wolf watching since their reintroduction. More than one wolf pack can be found in the Lamar Valley area. Wolf watchers can be seen most every day with spotting scopes watching the packs. The valley is wide open offering distant views of prime wolf habitat.